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Ai andlitsgreining

At Bloom Visage, we strongly believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform our world for the better! An awesome way to utilize AI is by analyzing faces. But how can one study faces using AI? It is all about creating intelligent algorithms that can analyze faces to derive insights of human beings. This technology is similar to the one used by computers in spy movies to identify individuals. However, these times are in the past and this is not fiction anymore but real tech being utilized on multitude of tasks assist with human beings doing their job.

    The New Frontier of Marketing and Advertising

    The first job that AI began to use in its study of faces was marketing and advertisement. Here is where companies sell their andlitshúðskanni product to the hands of people. Computers can detect which ads will be more effective just by looking at our faces. They use this to gauge people's feelings towards different advertisements and products. For example, they can see if the person responds with a smile or look happy upon seeing an ad. Bring value in a form that companies get anyway, so they are able to create better ads which people would like to see more instead of just skipping it and buying more stuff.

    Why choose Bloom Visage Ai face analysis?

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